Showing posts with label cases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cases. Show all posts

Friday, April 24, 2020

Why coronavirus is so dangerous?

COVID-19 is a pandemic the whole world is panic of nowadays and made a worldwide lockdown. The official name of COVID-19 is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)-2

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV)-2.

The First SARS-CoV was noticed in 2003 in Guangdong, China which caused an outbreak of serious disease in 26 countries and resulted in more than 8000 cases in that year. Since then a few numbers of cases have been noticed as a result of accidents of laboratory or through animal to human transmission.

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

SARS-CoV killed 10% of infected individuals. Older people, whose immune defences have declined with age, as well as those with underlying health conditions, are much more vulnerable than the young.

Spanish flu  (H1N1 virus) was also a Pandemic during 1918-19. This virus had caused severe respiratory disease in about 20% of patients and killed more than 3% of confirmed cases. The virus infected an estimated 500m people and killed 50m worldwide in 1918-19. This was one of the most dangerous pandemics of all time yet.

Spanish flu (H1N1 Virus)

Now as per the current report of infected and dead people due to COVID-19 the best current estimate is that COVID-19 will kill around 1% of those infected in a population with good healthcare.

Hypothetically, if COVID-19  will affect half the world’s current population during the course of a year with a 1% fatality rate, the death toll might be 35m  substantially increasing the number of deaths worldwide, which is around 60m for all causes in a typical year then COVID-19 will surpass the fatality of  Spanish flu during 1918-19.

What is the process of Treatment of a COVID-19 affected person?

Currently, there is no vaccine against developing COVID-19. Antibiotics are also ineffective because COVID-19 is a viral infection and not bacterial.

If the symptoms are more severe, supportive treatments may be given by the doctors at the hospital. This type of treatment involves the following methods:

  • Fluids to reduce the risk of dehydration.
  • Medication to reduce a fever.
  • Supplemental oxygen in more severe cases.
  • People who have a hard time breathing on their own due to COVID-19 may need a respirator.

According to the World Health Organisation, the incubation period is about 5 days most commonly. It also can range from 2 to 14 days between infection and symptoms appearing.

A study of hospital patients during the original Wuhan outbreak showed that they were potentially infectious for up to five weeks after first symptoms appeared.

The most common symptoms fo COVID-19 are as followed:

  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of Breath

Keep reading to learn more about the current information about COVID-19, what types of treatments are being explored? and what to do if you develop symptoms?.

How to avoid infection from the coronavirus?

The novel coronavirus is originally transmitted from person to person. At this point, the best way to prevent getting infected is to keep physical distancing from the people who have whether been exposed to the virus or not.

People are advised to take the following precautions to lower your risk of infection:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap or hand wash and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap not available.
  • Avoid touching your face unless you’ve recently washed your hands.
  • Avoid crowded areas as much as possible.
  • Older adults are at the highest risk of infection and may want to take extra precautions to avoid coming into contact with the virus.
  • Stay clear of people who are coughing and sneezing. The CDC recommends standing at least 6 feet away from anyone who appears to be sick.

Wash hands and sanitise

COVID-19 is not the most fatal virus known yet, but it is getting an outbreak gradually as the vaccine is not developed against the development of the coronavirus.

However, researchers around the world are working hard to develop dormant vaccines and treatments.

Some viruses known yet and their fatality:

COVID-19(low):   Generally affects 2 people and can affect up to 15 people.

COVID-19(high):  Generally affects 3 people and can affect up to 40 people.

Influenza(Spanish flu):  Generally affects 1.8 people and can affect up to 7 people.

Ebola(high):  Generally affects 2 people and can affect up to 15 people.

Sars Generally affects 3 people and can affect up to 40 people.

Smallpox(high):  Generally affects 6 people and can affect up to 259 people.

Chickenpox:  Generally affects 10 people and can affect up to 1,111 people.

Measles:  Generally affects 15 people and can affect up to 3,616 people.

The bottom line

At this present time, there’s no vaccine to protect us from the novel coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2. No special medications approved to treat the symptoms of COVID-19 are available. So, it is better to be at home to keep safe yourself, #stayhomestaysafe.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Countries majorly affected by the COVID-19

Outbreak of Coronavirus in the USA:

15 days report of coronavirus in the USA
The world's most powerful considered country United States of America got a severe/outbreak effect on its people due to Coronavirus. The USA responded slowly to the COVID-19 especially in terms of testing the coronavirus patients. 

The CDC-developed test kits were found unusable, and regulatory rules prevented commercial laboratories from using their own tests. In the very beginning, American President Donald Trump was optimistic, he dismissed the threat posed by a coronavirus and claimed that the outbreak was under their control and would be overcome shortly by their experts. 

By the March 2020, the food and drug administration(FDA) started allowing all the health agencies and private companies to develop and administer tests and allowed the requirements anyone but with a doctor's order to be tested. U.S. has tested lesser than a sum of 10,000 people by the march, but day by day this number exceeded to 1,00,000 by the end of the month. 

All the health inspectors surveyed the hospitals late by the month, and found the shortage of many necessary equipments like ventilators and medicine as the number of patients exceeded a lot and many tests result were also awaited. Mr President felt helpless and announced a complete national lockdown. 

The current report is :

cases : 819,321
deaths : 45,356
recovered : 83,008

The outbreak of coronavirus in Germany:

Germany got initially effected by 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic on 27, January 2020. The first COVID-19 case was confirmed near Munich, Bavaria. more cases were found in early February from a car parts manufacturing company. The first death of COVID-19 was reported on 9 March 2020 after a mass gathered for a carnival event in  Heinsberg, North Rhine-Westphalia.

This went on spreading by people coming from other countries like China, Irna and Italy. The Pandemic was managed at initial level by closing the School, kindergartens and postponed the semesters and stoped the nursing homes etc by 13 March.

As some cases still were reported at various places the country imposed a national curfew in which only an individual was allowed to go for buying groceries, engaging in sports but a group of people was not allowed to perform all these activities.

The current report is :

Confirmed : 1,48,704
deaths : 5100
recovered : 87,055

The outbreak of coronavirus in Italy:

After China, Italy was the first country to have a corona positive patient on 31 January 2020 when two Chinese tourists tested positive of corona in Rome. The third case was found when an Italian repatriated back to Italy from Wuhan, China. Day by day the cases went on increasing and after reporting more than 60 infected people on 22 February the first death was confirmed.

By the beginning of March coronavirus spread in all the regions of Italy. The government of Italy started cancelling all the flight from China and declared a state Emergency. Eleven Municipalities were placed under quarantine. On 11 March 2020, The Italian government restricted almost all the commercial activities except supermarkets and pharmacies. On 21 March the government closed all non-essential business and factories, and also the outing of the people.

On 6 March the some protocols were made to be employed by the college of Anesthesia, Analgesia and some other departments. As of 22 April, Italy is one of the World's centres of active coronavirus cases as given below

The current report is :

confirmed : 183,957
deaths : 24,648
recovered : 51,600

The outbreak of coronavirus in Spain:

Like Italy, the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in Spain on 31 January 2020 when a German Tourist found positive of coronavirus. By the end of February 2020 multiple cases were reported in Spain and by 13 March the virus was spread in the whole country. On 29 March The government announced a lockdown to keep the people stay at home when not necessary.

By the end of March, most cases and death were recorded in the country especially the aged people were affected most. On 25 March the rate of deaths was behind only the rates in Italy and recorded the highest. On 2 April the deaths toll was 950 the highest in 24 hours by any country and it left behind Italy also and became the 2 position after the United States in total cases.

The current report is :

confirmed : 208,389
deaths : 21,717
recovered : 80,587

France was another country which also suffered a lot from this Pandemic and still facing problems, but like the other countries, France is also following some protocols of national emergency to keep their people stay at home etc.

The current report is :

confirmed : 117,324
deaths : 20,796 
recovered : 39,181

Some other countries that also suffered from COVID-19 comparably in lesser harm are as followed :

confirmed : 133,495
deaths : 18,100


confirmed : 82,788
deaths : 4,632
recovered : 77,151

confirmed : 85,996
deaths : 5,391
recovered : 63,113

confirmed : 20,471
deaths : 652
recovered : 3,976

You can see the world report here about the cases, deaths and total recovered people in the world:

Confirmed : 25,85,468
Recovered : 6,96,177
Deaths : 1,78,845

Which country do you think will find the Vaccine fir COVID-19 first?

Comment and wait to see how many of you guessed the right answer.

The Outbreak(Effects) of COVID-19 across the world

COVID-19, the world is scaring of to step out of their houses nowadays has become a PANDEMIC declared by WHO.

What is COVID-19?

It is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome and was first noticed in the last month of 2019 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.

Why we call CORONA sometimes COVID-19?

The full form of COVID-19 is coronavirus disease and as it was first noticed in 2019 so the WHO gave a specific name to the pandemic COVID-19. Its official name is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) given by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses.

How did COVID-19 spread across the world?

In the very beginning when the scientists, in Virology Laboratory in Wuhan in China noticed this, they were not much serious about the severe outbreak of the virus which later went on spreading from person to person and made them infected. A 55-year-old could have been the first woman from Wuhan, China to be infected from Coronavirus on November 17, 2019. Since then the cases began piling up rapidly initially in the town, then in the city and country and now it is being faced across the world.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The common symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough and shortness of breath. Some other symptoms may include loss of smell, diarrhoea, sore throat, muscle pain and abdominal pain. 

How to stay safe from COVID-19?

As we all know that every advertising company and all the TV shows including the celebrities individuals are running a campaign that #stayhomestaysafe etc. this is the initial step that we have to follow to keep ourself safe from coronavirus, but this is not the only way to keep the corona away from us, we need to use a mask on the mouth, say no to handshake, wash your hands at least for 20 seconds and then sanitise them with any alcohol-based sanitiser after every 20-30 minutes, much better if you wear gloves also.

This has been seen the first time in history the whole world is going through the lockdown and all the top-level scientists are giving their hard to find the vaccine for coronavirus but yet nobody succeeded in this.

The current report about the update of COVID-19 across the world is as follows:

  • Coronavirus Cases : 2,517,579
  • Deaths: 173,422
  • Recovered : 660,274


       1. Active Cases (1,683,883)

  • In mild condition : 1,626,322 (97%)        Serious or critical : 57,561 (3%)

       2. Closed Cases (833,696)

  • Recovered/Discharged : 660,274 (79%)      Deaths : 173,422 (21%)

       3. To see the full report about COVID-19 country-wise click here

America the most powerful country in the world Socially and Economically is suffering the most from COVID-19 as the number of deaths is most in the USA.

We have never seen this kind of PANDEMIC ever in the history which has spread all over the world and made the world knelt before it. 

What will happen next? Will this PANDEMIC destroy the WORLD?

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